Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A woman after God's own heart

As i was walking in the main entrance of my church, i fell in love with the book of title “A woman after God’s own heart.” i am so curious of how to be the woman in God’s heart and i wish to have it. But the problem was i only have RM10 in my purse.

On may 15th 2010, my fiance bought the book as my birthday gift. i was really happy, and its not only because of the book that i’ve been dreaming to have it but it’s because he understood what i need which is to be obedience in God’s words.

I've learned so many value in this book. I never realize this is the book that really had capture in my heart besides the Holy Bible. It taught me about we as a children of God, we are designed to serve not be serve. We learn to serve as Christ did. As a wife, a wife should serve his husband. ” It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him” Gen.2:18 God has designed the wife to be her husband’s helper. We have to learn that a helper is one who shares man’s responsibilities, respond to his nature with understanding and love, and wholeheartedly cooperates with him in working out the plan of God.
Whether you are married or not, serving the people in your life is part of God’s will for you. It pleases Him when you follow His will, benefits the lives of those you serve, and shows Christ to the world. The moment i saw the book, i knew that i have to be a woman after God’s own heart.

“The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God” 
1 Cor. 11:3