Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am beautiful - Overcoming low self esteem

At some point we all struggle with our own insecurities. We always feel uncertain about ourselves, lack of confidences, low self worth, lack of faith in our abilities and think negatively of ourselves. "I don't feel pretty today", I'm not good enough", "I'm so fat" & etc. We just couldn't hide our thoughts from all these negative feelings. Don't we? Don't be afraid to admit it because you are not alone. 

I struggle with low self esteem many years ago. I struggled with my self-image. I have never been the girl everyone thought was the prettiest. Though, my friends may tell me i am pretty and beautiful but i always wonder if they just being nice to me.Worst, i never feel happy on how i look. I don't like my skin, i'm not happy with my height and weight and i always wanted to be like a supermodel. You probably laughing at me now after reading this. Yes, ask any women, who doesn't want to have that kind of body - slim, tall, sexy. I wanted their image. Furthermore, I have always struggled with lack of faith in my own abilities and I still do.. Because of that, i sometimes struggling with lots of self criticizing. It's makes me feel pretty unmotivated. 

How do i overcome it ? 

PRAY and MEDITATE His Words. 
After i becoming a Christian. I started to learn to pray many things. Because i believe in the power of prayer. I have prayed and prayed and shed many tears. Tears of pain and joy. I prayed for healing. I meditate His Words. This is the verses that really helped me during that time. Even until today, this verses never fails me. 


“Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.”

Psalm 139:12-14

I do believe that there is something we all struggle with. We are all fighting our battles. This is just one battle among many I am choosing to defeat in order to strengthen my relationship with God. I remember when I first became a believer, there were some obvious changes in my life which occurred, but I did not recognize them until years later. One big change was the way i see my life and myself is beyond of my understanding. I see hope. I see light, love and beauty that i never seen in myself before. The bible says, 
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
2 Corinthians 5:17

God formed each of us in our mothers womb and He creates everything beautiful. God never created "junk". I am completely trust Him now that i am beautiful because God says i am! And i am sure God didn't make myself or anyone else an exception to all things being made beautiful. We have to know that we are beautiful inside and out. Never underestimated God's creation when the bible says "i am fearfully and wonderfully made". So girls and boys out there, you are beautiful! You don't have to trust me if you want, but you can trust His Words. Start to love yourself. How? Will let you know in the next blog. Till then, go and figure by yourself. Heee...

Here's the song that really-really say it so well. The first time i listened to this song, i cried. Yes. I feel like this song is made for me. Hope you will be bless by my testimony and if so, please do encourage anyone that you know who suffer the same thing. Show some love and give them support. Enjoy the song! 

Every blessings,
Mary xx
I am beautiful and amazing just the way i am.

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